Garden Range
Wide variety of different size concrete moulded urns, plinths, birdbaths, balls, benches and table sets – round, square and rectangular table sets.
An Urn PP188 & Pedestal PT501
Urn PP188, 540 x 860
Pedestal PT501, 525 x 500
An Urn PP71A & Pedestal PT12
Urn PP71A, 780 x 520
Pedestal PT12, 700 x 480
An Urn PP72 and Stand PT72
Urn PP72, 510 x 700
Pedestal PT72
An Urn PP73a & Pedestal PT12E
Urn (500mm high x 400mm)
An Urn PP950 on Stand PT82B
Urn PP950, 820 x 950 x 950
Stand PT82B/S, 655
An Urn PP950s on Stand PT82A
Urn PP950s, 660 x 570
Ball BA09, BA17 & BA23
Ball BA09
Ball BA17
Ball BA23
Ball BA30, BA45 & BA60
Ball BA30
Ball BA45
Ball BA60
Ball F/G -1m
Band Pot
Band Pot Small, 460 x 410mm
Band Pot Large, 740 x 610mm
Bench 082
Bench 083
Bench 084
1.5m long
Bird Bath 126
550 x 520
Bird Bath 168 & 169
Bird Bath168
Bird Bath 169
Block Table Set PT1
1m x 2m
PT1 table only
Column 039 – 041
Column 039, 890 x 270
Column 040, 190 x 270
Column 041, 730 x 270
Column 047
430 x 270
Column 048
750 x 230
Contemporary Urn
880 x 720mm